• expired

Bonus 1000 Everyday Rewards Points for Downloading the App and Signing In @ Everyday Rewards (Woolworths)


I spied this on the new Everyday Rewards website (the new Woolworths/Countdown rewards programme replacing OneCard). 1000 free points just for downloading the app and signing in to your account. I tried this out and the points added immediately. An easy way to get halfway to a $15 voucher!

There are also a few other bonus points on offer this week - 250 for linking your BPme account, 2500 for linking your ASB credit cards rewards, 250 for linking your Vine Online account.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards (formerly Onecard)
Everyday Rewards (formerly Onecard)

closed Comments

  • went to countdown in CBD and the self checkouts cant even use my 15 voucher lol. The workers were as confused as me

    • When I used it you scanned your barcode and when the payment screen came up instead of selecting card there was a everyday rewards credit option.

      • yeah that didnt happen. They said it should have a everyday rewards credit option but nope lol

        • Older checkout terminal

  • BP couldn’t figure out how to use my $15 voucher either 😅 might have to give it a few days

  • How do I transfer points to another account in the app? Any step by step explanation?

  • Anyone getting this error when trying to transfer points? -

    "We couldn't process your gift

    Something went wrong and we were unable to process your gift."

    • yep getting the same error. I think they're doing some deep audit into the system

  • Can you use multiple $15 vouchers at the same time?

    • Yes… Normally. Currently their system is broken, so who knows at the moment.

      • Transfer working fine here, Time 09:22.

        • This is your 10th transfer? Lol

          • @Discount Code: One time only. As a broke, I still do have a sliver of self respect and integrity, although, this deal shook it all.

            • @Cheapie7: I respect that. Despite being shafted for all these years on price…

            • @Cheapie7: Could you actually get in trouble for it though as the terms don't say anything about once per person?

              • @Bobtherobber: Reminds me of when Z launched their app and offered free coffees. They eventually did fix it by asking users to verify their mobile numbers. Nothing happened to those who created multiple accounts.

                It's more an embarrassment to Z for creating such a loose app to start with.

  • Thank you for sharing this deal Antoniaclare 🙏

  • Fuel up at BP bush in today with 20c off no problem

    • Even with 20cents off, BP is still hella expensive lol. Thanks Gaspy

  • Do points expire after a certain time?

  • Thanks OP,
    got my $15.

    Well I must be missing something, I cant see anywhere in the app or website that shows how many total reward dollars you have.

  • Can you use the everyday reward vouchers at BP yet?

    • I’ve been to 2 different BP stations and they both couldn’t figure it out. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Have anyone used 2x $15 at the checkout/same time @Countdown no problem?

  • Soooo much fun waiting for over 10 minutes at a self checkout machine yesterday while the one staff member attempted to solve everyone's tech issues - all while I was waiting with icecream that scanned the wrong price.

    And FYI it took three days for the 1000 points to add. It only happened when I checked in store.

  • Thanks for the tip OP. Went in today and left with only 1 item - thanks Member's Only Special adding barriers to purchasing for cheapskates like me. $15 successfully added to account now though!

  • +1

    and its over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no more transferring credit

      • You can transfer credit from one everyday rewards card to another?

          • @Bobtherobber: Its patched mate. try transferring credit now.

            • @RSTH: Yeah just stopped working. Maybe because the page had loaded before the changes

              • @Bobtherobber: The message states it’s unavailable at the moment but they are working to get it fixed.
                Just a glitch I would say.

                Gifting points is a standard part of the offer so I can’t see it being removed.

                • @bigcheese: The terms are full of stuff about being able to modify, delete features or can the whole thing whenever they want so they could be removing it due to being cheepied.

                  • +1

                    @Bobtherobber: And I thought you guys had integrity and what not for not doing gifting to self… Jokes…

  • What happened to the gifting points system?

    • Cheapied

    • +5

      the feature was /disabled in the frontend but the api endpoint is still working, I was able to reconstruct exactly the same request that the website sends to the server and works just fine to transfer points, if someone is interested I can share the js fetch code

      • So are they eventually gonna fix it or is it just gonna be unavaliable?

        • theres no way to tell, maybe they are adding some new features to avoid more abuse, like one account can only receive 2 point transfers or the same IP address can only do one transfer and some validations on the signup form to ensure only one account per user

      • pmd

      • hey man, i cant pm you. can you pm me if possible?

        • +7

          EDIT: looks like this method is not working anymore

          I cant pm you and I have too many messages to reply so I will post the fetch code here

          after logging-in, just open your browser developer tools, go to the console tab, copy+paste the code below and replace 9999999999999 with the card number that will receive the points

          fetch("https://bff.everydayrewards.co.nz/bff/api/v1/members/my/gift-points", {
          "headers": {
          "accept": "application/json, text/plain, /",
          "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
          "cache-control": "no-cache",
          "content-type": "application/json",
          "expires": "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT",
          "pragma": "no-cache",
          "sec-ch-ua": "\"Not_A Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"120\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"120\"",
          "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0",
          "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"macOS\"",
          "sec-fetch-dest": "empty",
          "sec-fetch-mode": "cors",
          "sec-fetch-site": "same-site",
          "x-requested-with": "EverydayRewards.WebApp"
          "body": "{\"receiverCardNumber\":\"9999999999999\",\"amount\":1000}",
          "method": "POST",
          "mode": "cors",
          "credentials": "include"

  • Is anyone else having problems receiving the points? I tried everything outlined here, deleting and logging back in, nothing works.

    • same having the same problem

      • they have disabled the 1k points on sign up, points transfer and they started to block some accounts

        • Damn, they can't disable the 1k points or points transfer forever.

          • @bullseye: They probably won’t. Once a more robust sign up journey is implemented, they will re-enable it

            • @simch: I made my first account just now and haven't recieved the 1k signup points, you think after they fix their system they will honour it?

              • +1

                @bullseye: You could always try reaching their support team and waste their time.

              • @bullseye: I’d say so. They’d need to do a data catch-up eventually. Chances are, most people who were regular dutiful users of Onecard haven’t even signed up to Everyday Rewards.

                Come Wednesday when most people are back in the office and signing up to Everyday Rewards (because ofc the best time to do life admin is during work time) but not getting the 1000 points, they’re likely to be inundated with help desk requests from regular folk.

    • Did you guys get the points yet?

  • +1

    Alright time to fess up, how hard did yall cheapie this one? Saw one user confess to $120. I only did it once bc too lazy

    • I'd say tip of the iceberg there…

    • +1

      I think $120 would be on the light side tbh.. Expecting this kerfuffle to make the news

    • +3

      Any legal ramifications for us?

      • Will just increase grocery prices to cover the losses, D'oh

        • Ya’ll are why we can’t have nice things 😂

      • +2

        Have a read at Everyday Rewards on the Ozbargin page as well. They have similar bonus loopholes and I'd imagine it was a bigger problem than NZ. To be honest, they learn flaws in their app/system quicker this way. Not sure how much they've given away but I'd imagine it'd be similar to hiring a few consultants to test and build. IMHO

        • +7

          in a roundabout way we are pen testing the system for coutndown at a cheaper rate than consultants

          • +3

            @justaddwater: and stress testing the app for free :p

          • @justaddwater: How are they going to explain to their advertising partners that a good chunk of their users in their mailing list don’t exist?

            • +6

              @coach: They don't. They'll will issue a statement said 7 million people downloaded the app within four weeks. The new loyalty program has proven to be popular, meeting consumer expectations, and providing assistance amid economic challenges. And this resulting in a rise in stock prices and generate million of revenue for them.

        • +2

          soo what I'm hearing is that we're the heroes that Everyday Rewards needs but not the one it deserves?

        • I couldn't seem to find said page. Would you mind linking it please?

    • +1

      Is it better to not abuse it and everyone gets a fair go ( and not get shutdown like it has) or are we just like to hell with everyone

      • +1

        Enjoy the fruits of agile methodology when you can tbh

        • +1

          ha! good one ;)

      • +4

        Honestly there is no way to control this. Once it is posted on Cheapies, all hell breaks loose :p

        Besides, have you seen the Cheapies statistic at the bottom of the page here? The lurkers are always 3times the active logged in member here. So even if we agree to go easy on a deal, the lurkers might not follow suit lol

        Also I don't feel bad at all for an Aussie duopoly company that was allowed to sell overpriced groceries for far too long.

  • My $30 voucher disappeared

    • Cracking down account that have more than $15? Mine $15 still there hopefully it doesn't disappear too soon

  • Best to use your vouchers if you still can for those who spammed this as a couple of mates got theirs reversed. Lucky for some as they managed to spend around $150 which I doubt will get clawed back.

    • Now some stores have disabled redeeming vouchers at self checkouts. My app still showing a $15 voucher.

  • Is this Deal still working as intended? There's 1 pending report for deal expiry but just need to know if it's actually over.

    • +1

      It's still live. It's not instant (though it should be pretty fast) and there are some checks to ensure it's one lot of 1000 points per person.

      • Is there no way i can gift points to my wife or family? Do you know who developed the app/system?

        • +1

          You should be able to do it via the website, but it is currently disabled, call them 0800 969 337 and see if they can do it over the phone. Everyday rewards was developed by Woolworths, it's the Australian system just adapted for NZ.

  • +7


    Ouch. I wonder who those people were 🤣😁

    • +2

      You wonder how they didn''t see that coming? 🤔

      • +1

        Underrated comment!

        I regret I didn't abuse it. Got my partner and mates to transfer me points but they now locked my account with $30 worth of voucher which I never get to spend… Petty😑

        • I only gifted my points to my wife’s account so all above board for me.
          Haven’t checked whether her account has been locked but I would hope not.

      • +1

        LOL waiting for the link to this page in the media. You naughty naughty people.

        • Mainstream media giving away their news source?? Yeah nahh lol

    • All they need to do next time is 1) require SMS verification with each account, 2) ensure that the 1000 points are only paid after at least one purchase is made. That would significantly reduce the number of fake accounts.

      • +4

        Don’t give them ideas

  • +3


    What woolworths came out with in their statement exactly what we were expecting

    " We’ve seen amazing uptake by members and hundreds of thousands of people have downloaded the app,” he said.

    “It’s great to see how our members are engaging with the programme.”

    He said feedback from customers had been overwhelmingly positive.

    “We’ve loved hearing feedback from customers who have already redeemed vouchers and are realising how much more quickly they are getting them compared to the previous programme,” Wolfenden said.

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