mikebb » user profile

Member Since | 04/08/2020 |
Last Seen | Hidden |
Badges | 1 |
Location | Wellington |
Recent Activities

Update- Sim working no issues in the laptop. So no idea what was wrong with trying to activate the sim originally, but it seems waiting and…

I actually just got it working, I put the Sim card in another device (cellphone) and it activated fine. So either they didn't like the IMEI…

mikebb posted a forum topic Anyone Had Issues Activating Mighty Mobile Sim?
Posting here to see if anyone has had a similar problem, but I ordered mighty mobile sim during the recent 50% off promotion, trying to…

mikebb replied to
HappyChipMonk on Free Keri 1L Juice Voucher (6000 Available) @ Coca-Cola (Redeemable at NZ Supermarkets)

Assuming you mean redeeming the voucher - it has to be printed as the store needs to send a physical copy of the voucher to the company to…

mikebb replied to
jesserockz on Free Keri 1L Juice Voucher (6000 Available) @ Coca-Cola (Redeemable at NZ Supermarkets)

I made a couple accounts and each one it wouldn't accept the form on the first try, but second try was alright (without changing any data)

mikebb commented on Buy 1 Get 1 Free Kogan Mobile 365 Day SIM Plans (Med $250, Large $330, Extra Large $490) @ Kogan Mobile (Activate by 31/12/24)
Got a large plan/12 months for sale if anyone is interested. Need to have a Sim already. $165. Flick me a PM and I'll make a trademe…

Off topic but what is a good price for S24 Ultra 256GB with no trade in?

mikebb replied to
TonyYang on Get a BK Rebel Chook $2, BK Rebel Chook Hawaiian for $5, BK Rebel Whopper for $3, or 100 Crowns @ Burger King (Royal Perks)

That happened to me once when I exited the app after the payment screen but before the order confirmation screen.

mikebb commented on 60% off 11am-1pm: $2.80 Value Pizza, $4.40 Extra Value, $6 Traditional, $7.60 Gourmet (30-50% off Afterwards) @ Domino’s
Code is 91611 if banner not coming up

Since 2021 they no longer have access to the details of people that have opted out https://gazette.govt.nz/notice/id/2021-au308

mikebb commented on Pumped Rewards Ending at Z
Still no sign of the new programme, anyone know what the deal is?

mikebb commented on Trade Any Monopoly Board Game Item for 2x Chicken & Chips, 6x Nuggets & Chips or 2x Boneless + Chips (Purchase Required) @ KFC
Anyone having store saying they are out of stock? Yet the item seems to be in stock if you want to pay for it.. Maybe a limit of…

mikebb commented on WW Everyday Rewards Gift Points
Afaik there is a limit of 2000 points per calendar week, though I don't think it is mentioned anywhere (nor is the error message…

Sign up for a Wise card and use that instead.. use a referral from here https://www.cheapies.nz/deals/transferwise.com

Just access the URL directly, it seems to be working fine. https://www.burgerking.co.nz/campaign

mikebb replied to
ctshnz on Up to 30% off Monitors, 35% off TV's + Trade-in Boosts & $50 off Codes @ Samsung NZ

PM sent

mikebb replied to
ctshnz on Up to 30% off Monitors, 35% off TV's + Trade-in Boosts & $50 off Codes @ Samsung NZ

You have PMs turned off on your profile.

Nah because I still got $3 Hawaiian bk chicken.

Looks like the prizes have started expiring now, no 99c whopper for lunch for me ..

mikebb replied to
strangercheapie on 40% off Kogan Mobile 365 Day SIM Plans (Large $198, Extra Large $294) @ Kogan

Yes but it depends on your phone. It can be kinda glitchy. I got it working on Android.

mikebb replied to
curiousb on 40% off Kogan Mobile 365 Day SIM Plans (Large $198, Extra Large $294) @ Kogan

Haven't tested roaming on Kogan, but VoWiFi works from an international connection. So without paying for any roaming fees, as long as I…

mikebb commented on $15 off $100 Spend @ Briscoes
Working here and stacking with free shipping code. Thanks...

Got a 99c whopper and 3pk nuggets.

mikebb commented on 50% off Skinny Endless Data Monthly Mobile Plans for First 3 Months - Plans Starting from $20 @ Skinny (New Customers)
Worth mentioning that the reduced speed is 1.2Mbps, pretty slow..

mikebb replied to
scrimshaw on User-Submitted Referral Code Updates (Request Referral System Additions/Changes)

Now that I've signed up to Quic I am unsure if the URL was incorrect. On my account page there are two referral codes: -The URL which gives…

mikebb commented on User-Submitted Referral Code Updates (Request Referral System Additions/Changes)
## Merged from [Refferal Codes Not Working](/node/47464) Unsure if Quic has changed the format used for the referral codes, but the URLs…

mikebb replied to
The Hound on Free Regular Chips & Drink with $5 Purchase (No Previous Purchase Required) @ KFC

I used the new survey today, the person behind the counter just sighted the email quickly and put it through, they never typed the code in.

mikebb commented on Free Regular Chips & Drink with $5 Purchase (No Previous Purchase Required) @ KFC
The codes seem to work for now, but has anyone noticed KFC receipts now have a QR code instead of a URL, and it's a different site to the…

mikebb replied to
Gamzallup on $300 Energy Credit When Signing up As A New User @ Contact Mobile (Applies to Existing Contact Energy Customers)

I assume you mean you already had a contact mobile plan before this offer? If so give my instructions a go...