• long running

Receive 10% off Voucher via Sales Line, Members App or Chat Support @ Samsung NZ

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3 ways to get a 10% off Samsung voucher to use on Samsung.com/nz

Sales Line:

  • Call 0800 SAMSUNG - press the sales option to be connected to the sales team,
  • You can ask for a 10% voucher here.

Samsung Members:

  • Often there will be 10% vouchers here
  • Go into the “benefits” section of the Samsung Members app
  • Click on the “Members Upgrade banner”
  • Download your voucher.
  • There are also other offers and promotions here exclusive to Samsung Members.

Chat Support:

Related Stores



  • +5

    THANKYOU30 ($30 off) still works and so does MUM2023 ($100 off $500 spend)

    Not sure what the conditions are now for WELCOME50

    • I've just tried using THANKYOU30 on something I bought last time with a new account (case for zflip4) getting

      The code you entered did not affect your order. Please note, codes may only be valid for certain items or in certain conditions.

      So might not apply to as much as it used too

      • I should read first - appears there are some deals that don't work with codes

        40% off RRP
        Purchase Galaxy Z Flip4 Silicone Cover with Ring and get 40% off RRP. Offer period: 2pm 04.05.23 - 11am 23.05.23*

    • Cheers, thankyou30 code is working for me. Any idea if it can be used multiple times?

      • Don’t know. I usually just create another account if it doesn’t.

  • +2

    Does anyone know if the 10% off code works on the student/education store? I tried THANKYOU30 and it works there but not MUM2023

  • What do you say when you call the help line?

    You just ask for a 10% voucher? No condition that you need to have a samsung device (given that Samsung Members can only be installed on Samsung devices)?

    • +1

      I've had a couple of these, just say you own something that isn't a phone. They really didn't ask many questions and just said ok both times. I even asked to send it to a different email address so I could make a new account and use the codes or use up rewards credit I got with my phone.

  • I cant seem to buy a washing machine on Samsung website - is that expected

  • +1

    4th method which worked for me last week was create an account and then put an item in your basket. After about 2 days you'll get emailed a 10% discount voucher that you can use on anything.

    Example, Samsung 25W wall charger https://www.samsung.com/nz/mobile-accessories/wall-charger-f…

    Normal price $34.99 currently 40% off brings it down to $21. Enter your 10% code brings it down to $18.90.

    Also Dosh currently have additional 2.4% cashback if you click through to Samsung website and proceed with the purchase with their App (it was 5%) last week.

  • +1

    Samsung also have a "Samsung Family Value Program" offered to corporates for their staff benefit programmes. Can be some deep discounts in there, accompanied with warnings not to discuss or attempt to get the same price at high street retailers.

  • +1

    I opened the chat and asked if they had any discount available. They gave a code for smartphones, 50$ off. CRP2023. The code doesn't actually seem to work on any phones I tried. They said they have no further discounts on any other products.

    • CRP2023 works in cart on the S23 256GB for me.

  • Yeah I used CRP2023 yesterday on a phone purchase and got the extra $50 off

  • I can't find the“Members Upgrade banner” anywhere in the Samsung Members app. I see various other offers like 20% off a Tab S8 (reports no more vouchers available when I try and claim) and promos for projectors etc. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

  • Can you please share the discount code? How can I get the additional discount?

  • Is this still possible? I called up the other day and was only offered the service and winter vouchers from the other post.

  • I should have listened to people reporting issues with customer support buying from Samsung nz. It's definitely risky shopping there if you have any issues with your order.

  • Extra 10% off with $1000 spend at Samsung NZ

  • Got a code from the members section today and it seems to only work on certain products now. So seems to be fine buying a phone or buds but doesn't work on smart tags.

  • Tried today with live chat, with buds and only managed to get a $50 voucher instead of a 10% after filling out a survey. I mean for certain items it might be better since it's $100 minimum, but not for e.g. the phone deals everyone is currently after it's obviously worse. Maybe it didn't help that I started with a phone and so was originally just offered the UPGRADES24.

    BTW, if you're doing this I suggest you visit the live chat page. When I tried to chat via the 'chat' option within the S24 Ultra page, after I minimised the chat it disappeared! When I chat via the live chat page the chat hangs around and I can retrieve it later.

    • Was more successful via email where I did receive a 10% and other stuff although it arrived too late to be used with the recent sale

  • Called Sales today, got a $50 off and a 10% which does not work. Called back and they won't replace it with a new one because they already issued me one (which they also confirmed as not working…). So it doesn't always work out.

  • the $50 voucher from survey now has minimum spend of $500
    and LOYAL50 is over


  • +1

    Did some testing as I have a few codes to play with.

    Regular Store / Shop App

    LYZ = $50 off minimum $500, can be combined with 10% off members code.
    SNN = $50 off minimum $500, cannot be combined with 10% off members code.

    EPP store

    LYZ = $50 off minimum $500
    SNN = $50 off minimum $100

    Both codes were obtained from seperate live chats. Agent will say codes expire within 24 hours. They are still valid for me.

    Ask for a survey code = SNN
    Ask for a voucher = LYZ

    Results may vary

    P. S LOYAL50 is gone

    • I wonder if they are still giving SNN when you ask for codes via email or have now switched to LYZ.

      Have you manage to get a 5% code for EPP some people have convinced Samsung to give them and tested if that stacks with SNN?

      Also do you know if the $500 minimum the original price or some other price? It doesn't seem to be quite the last price before applying the $50 because the FE 128GB was already below $500 with all the other known discounts available during flash sale before applying the $50 but it still seemed to work. (Didn't buy this but tested it. I bought the 256GB FE which ended up below $500 although only after applying the $50.)

      And yeah their expiry dates don't seem to apply. My email codes they said would expire at the end of October still work (except where they disabled the code itself), and I'm fairly sure an SNN I got in October from a survey also still works.

      • Partly answering my own question I can confirm the minimum isn't based on the initial price. I sort of expected this but as said you can still apply it sometimes even if it's already below $500 and final price ends up below $450 But at least on the EPP store, I cannot apply both LYZ and SNN with the 210W Jet™95 Stick - HexaJet Motor with tradein. The combo works without tradein. The combo also works with tradein on the 210W Bespoke Jet™ Plus Pet - All-in-one suggesting it's just a price based exclusion.

    • Interesting enough it seems you CAN stack SNN and LYZ at least on EPP. However since you cannot stack SNN with UPGRADES24, it isn't really useful for phones IMO. Could be useful for other items if they work with them. For clarity, you can stack LYZ with UPGRADES24 at least on EPP.

      Can't stack 2x SNN. I only have one valid LYZ so can no longer check but I checked during the flash sale on the general store and 2x LYZ didn't work.

      • Do you know if EPP stacks with 10% member code?

        • +1

          Fairly sure you can't use any of the 10% codes on EPP. At least none of those I've ever tried have worked. I'm fairly sure this included my members one but as I've now used my only one can't double check. IIRC others have confirmed it doesn't work too.

          I sort of mentioned this above, but there is a 5% some people have received that is supposed to work on EPP from chat or email support, but never received one so no idea if it stacks or what it works with.

          • @Nil Einne: I have just got another EPP store one for 5%.

            The method is simple:
            - Contact through the Service chat, saying that your members code is not working (mine actually isn't).
            - Ask if you can get % off the EPP store as you have both available
            - They offer you that 5% off.

            I know it's "only 5%" but if you're spending anything, you may as well spend the couple of minutes to snag some more money off.

            Done it twice now as my Members % is not working + it's stackable with SNN.

            • @ScottNeville: Have you tried if it stacks with UPGRADES24 etc? Also are you willing to share the first 3 alphanumerics of your 5%? It sometimes seems a bit easier if you know precisely what sort of code you're looking for and the first 3 seem to be the "type" of code.

              Anyway my first attempt failed

              As much as I would love to, we don't have any 10% voucher here in Livechat <name removed>

              Currently, 10% voucher code is not available. But you may download the Samsung shop app on your mobile to get 10% off on your 1st purchase instantly!!!

              I still pushed saying I had access to EPP and asked of there were any codes for that (didn't mention 5%) and they only offered $50 off. On the plus side I was able to get another LYZ in that session. I specifically asked for the LYZ when they mentioned I could get a 50% off they claimed it doesn't work on EPP which is untrue but decided not to push it. They sent me a survey and afterwards a SNN. But I asked again if I could get an LYZ since i might use the regular store and they gave it.

              Second time also failed. This time didn't bother to try the my members isn't working especially since it was the same agent and not that long later although it was different email, browser etc. Instead just said my mate received a 5% for EPP code. They said there were non and offered yet another survey which I declined (I have enough SNN). I probably could have gotten another LYZ but felt a bit awkward pushing for it again so soon after the first time so let it be.

              Perhaps the agent I keep getting either doesn't have access, doesn't know about the codes or is particularly stingy with them.

              I've previously tried asking for codes via email for EPP. I've had fair success doing that for the regular store although they can be slow. And they've sometimes asked me if it's the regular store or EPP. But both times I specifically asked for EPP codes, and quite far apart they never replied to my requests (other than the autoreply). I mean to be fair, they were busy both times, OTOH they've generally replied to other emails Maybe they checked and ignored me since neither email had access to EPP.

            • @ScottNeville: No luck for me with the above. Was advised that the members code is only for regular store.

              When I mentioned a 5% off EPP store VNN code, they advised that it is not available via the chat.

              • +1

                @stifilz: I was able to get a VNN code via email. Said I was looking for a (named) flagship phone and possibly other none phone stuff on EPP and asked if there were any codes they could provide. Weirdly they first replied saying to provide a contact number for a call back on Christmas day but I didn't notice and didn't respond. I normally say I prefer email contact didn't bother this time maybe that would have avoided the first email no idea. Anyway despite no response, next day they just apologised for the delay and provided a VNN and SNN. This is similar to what they do with the normal store (except there YQZ and SNN) although that looks more like a template but this looked more adhoc so not sure if it's what they always do.

                Anyway from my testing VNN does work with the welcome bonus and SNN and LYZ. However it doesn't work with UPGRADES24 and gives a lot less, so useless for the S24 series except maybe FE but I'm sure that's still a bad price (didn't check). However like SNN, it does work with UPGRADEZ. But you're limited to 3 codes so have to lose either LYZ or SNN. Still it does mean Z Flip6 and Z Fold6 is now closer to (but still more than) the recent flash sale. That said some of the prices are better on the regular store anyway. https://www.cheapies.nz/comment/250085/redir

                VNN can also be used for vacuums and maybe other things so seems to be wider than the 10% for the regular store. VNN does not seem to work on the regular store.

                • @Nil Einne: Good work. What email address are you using?

                  • +1

                    @stifilz: I use the e-store exclusive support form here https://www.samsung.com/nz/support/contact/ for both general store coupon requests and also with my recent EPP success. It does generally take around 1 days for replies although I've found that it does seem faster once they've replied to you if there's a question you need to answer.

                    I generally select mobile device as the "type" and put the some flagship phone in the model (just something simple like Galaxy S24, not specific numbers). Since they sometimes check stock I'd recommend only putting something that's in stock. Since model number isn't compulsory, you could put nothing. But they seem to want to know what you're after I guess so they only send you coupons that they think will work (which isn't necessarily what will work). Although t it's probably also fine to just say in the description.

                    And I chose order update as the subtype as nothing else really fits. While phone number is a compulsory field, just putting something like 0 is fine although weirdly not 021. I have put a real number sometimes but not this time. (If I do that's when I definitely say I prefer email contact.)

                    I have my own domain so can more easily use different emails addresses so haven't asked for a lot of coupons under one email. I'm sure just your own random gmails or whatever will be fine but slight chance they might connect your emails if you do stuff like stiflz+1@, stiflz+2@ etc or sti.flz@ and s.tiflz@. (I strongly suspect they don't check your previous emails unless it's needed but since it's easy for me I did that to reduce possible problems.) The email address I used this time (and also some previous times) doesn't have any Samsung account currently attached so also doesn't have access to EPP, so fairly sure they don't generally check that.

                    Once you've had success you might be able to reply to that email in a few weeks if you need a new coupon saying it expired especially if they gave you a date which has passed. (Which they do for the general store coupons but didn't this time with the EPP ones.)

                    • +1

                      @Nil Einne: Eventually recieved a reply with both a $50 off SNN and a 5% off VNN.

                      I used the SNN on 31/12 and the VNN expired 1/1. I've asked for replacement.

                      As of 1/1/25 all my members codes YAO and YEE have expired too.

                      UPGRADES24 and UPGRADEZ have finished too.

                      I've asked for a SNN survey code and apparently they are no longer, perhaps expired too? They gave me another LYZ :(

                      LYZ is the only working one for me now.

                      Waiting for the S24 clearance or S25 upgrade codes for the mrs.

                      • @stifilz: Received a text today (no email related to it) with a new 5% off code starting with ZMK. No replacement for the SNN (although I did use that).

                        Valid on EPP store not regular.

                        • @stifilz: I received a PWR code by SMS a few days ago. Says it's limited 10% but haven't tried it except i know it doesn't work with vacuum cleaners on EPP. Not sure if I can be bothered testing it at the moment, but I'm willing to send it to you if you want to test it although please don't use it without asking me.

                          BTW I've twice now (once from live chat, once from email) received a code which says it's already used which is interesting. I guess they might not properly track their codes so hand them out more than once sometimes

                    • @Nil Einne: Plus trick no longer seems to work as when going to checkout to pay it comes up as invalid email.

  • +1

    Heres a table I've put together to track codes

    Code Type Min Spend Store EPP Get Notes
    CUV $150 S25 series Yes Yes Event UNBOXED
    LYZ $50 $500 Yes Yes Chat Current
    PZL 10% No Yes No Members Current
    SNN $50 $500/$100 Yes Yes Survey/Text Current $100 on EPP
    ZMK 5% No No Yes Email Current
    VNN 5% No No Yes Email Expired?
    YAO 10% No Yes No Members Expired
    YEE 10% No Yes No Members Expired
    LOYAL50 $50 No Yes Yes Promo Expired
    UPGRADES24 $250 S24 series Yes Yes Promo Expired
    UPGRADESZ $250 Z Series Yes Yes Promo Expired
  • +3

    Updated codes

    Code Type Min Spend Store EPP Get Notes
    CUV $100 S25 series Yes Yes Event UNBOXED
    LYZ $50 $500 Yes Yes Chat Current
    SNN $50 $500 Yes No Survey/Text Current
    NNP $50 $500 Yes Yes Chat Current
    PJI 10% No Yes No Current
    PZL 10% No Yes No Members Current
    ZMK 5% No No Yes Email Current
    VNN 5% No No Yes Email Expired?
    YAO 10% No Yes No Members Expired
    YEE 10% No Yes No Members Expired
    LOYAL50 $50 No Yes Yes Promo Expired
    UPGRADES24 $250 S24 series Yes Yes Promo Expired
    UPGRADESZ $250 Z Series Yes Yes Promo Expired

    • Do these 3-alphabet codes start with the above alphabet with random digits/alphabet that follow to complete a valid code? Ie. CUV12345, CUV12345AB etc?

      • Yes in a 3-4-4-4 format
        I.e CUV-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

        Letters and numbers

        • Cheers

    • VCL code given out via call
      Worth $50

      Looks to be exclusive to S25 series,
      $50 multiplies depending on the number of S25 devices you get (e.g. 2 devices = $100 discount),
      EPP exclusive (doesn’t work on regular store) and
      stacks with ZMK code.

      Haven’t tested with any other codes

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