• expired

Free ANZ Support Band for ANZ Customers


The ANZ Support Band is an interactive wristband we've created to connect you directly to the New Zealand Team athletes.

Each athlete has been given their own band. When you tap yours, the athletes will feel a vibration of support via their own band so they know we're all cheering them on from home.

As an ANZ customer, we wanted to give you advance notice that the ANZ Support Band will be available to order from the evening of Sunday 27 June.

The ANZ Support Band is free, but stock is limited. So if you want to let our athletes know they have your support, get in quick and place your order.
Orders will be limited to two bands per household.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Cool idea that could have easily been an app? Does this device have any other purpose or some type of reusability? Otherwise it will just end up as e-waste, right?

    • +3

      Was wondering the same. Also, if it is from some cheap brand good luck with the privacy issues if you have to sign up for an account to use the band and maybe link it to phone or something.

      • +1

        Looks like upon further investigation, you can show your support via the app (which is an awesome idea - so kudos on that front).. but there isn't any additional information on what this thing is and like you say, how privacy is managed, nor what its purpose beyond the olympics would/could be.
        Hopefully they update the page with more information.

    • +1
    • +1

      I found the band on Alibaba.

      You can read the specs here:


      Notice how they say that they can be customized when ordering with your own logo and functions.

      Here is a real life photo of the ANZ bands (note how they differ slightly from the render on ANZ's website and match the ones on Alibaba perfectly):


      Dear God/Gods and/or anyone else who can help me (e.g. members of super-intelligent alien civilizations): The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of Finn McMillan formerly of South New Brighton at 8 years old and keep it that way forever. I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body! Thank you! - Chaul Jhin Kim (a.k.a. A Desperate Soul)

      Basically, it seems to be your basic cheap Chinese wristwatch/fitness monitor. Assuming that the specs are the same for both, it should be able to tell the time, count steps and calories, monitor your heart rate, etc. The accuracy of these devices tend to be hit-and-miss though and the associated apps usually tend to be somewhat finicky and not as "polished" as the ones from Samsung, Huawei, and so on.

      • Wait a sec… Upon further research, it looks like the two devices look identical but have different features.

        The first Alibaba link shows a standard Chinese fitness tracker while the second link shows a much cheaper location tracker that doesn't mention any of the features of the first. Given that ANZ is sending these out for free, I feel it's more likely that are more similar to the second (cheaper) model.

        • OK, I found the factory that makes these. Apparently there are like 10 different models, all of which look exactly the same but differ slightly in their functionality. So I guess I'm back to square one haha.

          Here is the link if anyone is interested:


    • Hopefully it at least can show a clock. I'm usually all over free things, but nope. What a waste of everything.

      • +1

        show a cock? jeez man.

        • Helps convey the vibrating aspect

          • +2

            @Jaxson: I love how easily cheapies turns into reddit, ahha.

            • @kevinh89: I know right, I should just leave the conversation now.

              • @Jaxson: ahahha I cant blame you, I started it.

  • So basically the nz team bands will be vibrating non stop and run out of battery very quickly? Probably a joke in there somewhere too.

    • +3

      Apparently sex is banned at these Olympics.

      • Just need to be distanced and where a mask

        • That perfectly describes my sex life these days.

    • +1

      Will they be wearing the bands while competing? I don't want to distract them lol buzzzzz, might miss out on some medals…

      • They'll probably just store them in their spandex pants during the events, so they can still feel the vibrations, but keep their hands free.

  • +1

    As an immature manchild the very first thing that popped into my head when I heard about these things was the following scene from the film The Ugly Truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD4WohwZgrc

  • +1

    Given the time difference, this will keep them awake right, assuming any actually use it?

  • +1

    Jesus Christ the sheet amount of trash generated but this utterly pointless sports event. Bring back covid.

  • is it only for ANZ customer?

  • Order page available now.

  • Ordered a bunch for my kids. they've been wanting smart watches.

  • I think you can have only 1 order per address

  • Anyone received this band? Wonder if we can actually use it as a fitness tracker… seems like this was manufactured by Fitpolo Model H707.

    • +1

      I got it yesterday. It is Fitpolo H707 Model. Unfortunately, It can't use as a fitness tracker. We can only see the ANZ logo and current time on the screen.

      • Hmm that seems a good model, does it have the heart rate sensor underneath too? Wonder if you can flash the firmware to make it normal again

        • yes, the heart rate sensor is there. need a way to override the firmware

          • @huffboy: Anyone with ideas on how this might be achieved? So bad that they would shut out basic functions when we are “paying” through the advertising on the watch.

        • Would this be helpful?



          • @MartinPrince: thanks, do you have a guide how to upload the firmware?

            • +1

              @d8400: No idea, that's as far as I got. My one should arrive tomorrow so we'll have a play with it over the weekend.

  • +11

    Hi Everyone,
    I posted a step by step guide on updating the firmware. All the functinalities on the Fitpolo H707 seem to work well.
    Check it out here https://mingyu.co.kr/2021/07/08/Hacking-ANZ-Fitness-Band.htm…

    • Mingy you deserve a gold medal my friend, nice work!

    • Legend. You and MartinPrince, nice job.

    • Awesome work mingyu. Upvote for you :)

    • +1

      Thank you. I have re imaged the watch with these steps. If the file ever expires, text me on 0211835115 and i ll send you the firmware

      • After doing all the steps, how did you manage to turn the watch back on. I put the firmware on and after uploading as shown by watch's display and the toast message on the app, the device turned off. The little white button is not doing anything when pressed is well.

        • It was also fully charged too.

          • @OneWayCar: I think the upgrade may have failed. I successfully upgraded my band last night. But I just tried to do the same with my Aunties band today and have run into the same problem as you. After upgrade it has switched off and cannot turn on. I think it maybe bricked.

            • @Christo: yeah i'm experiencing the same thing "switched off and cannot turn on". Im wondering letting the battery die and recharging to see it would have some effect in bring it back or something.

              • @OneWayCar: It would be great to try to let the battery die if we could even turn it on to drain the battery :p. When plugging it in the red LED charge light doesn't even light up. So I don't even think trying to charge it is successful. Seems bricked to me. Unless someone else has any other solution to our problem.

                • @Christo: Yep I got the same result earlier when trying that. Yeah as soon as I knew it wouldn't turn on that it was bricked. Yeah maybe someone else may have some ideas, interesting experiment though.

                  • @OneWayCar: I got 2… one rebooted by itself and is working fine, and one refused to turn on.

                    • +1

                      @huffboy: your second one is like what me and @christo experienced.

                    • @huffboy: reasing through this thread as I also got my one, any other tips out there? 😁

                      • +3

                        @KoolBananas: First one bricked after following the above tutorial (same symptoms as above users; no lights, no response, no nothing after the update).

                        Second one I tried things a little different, and it worked!

                        No idea if this method is any safer than the previous as its very similar, but here's a tutorial for what I did if someone wants to take the risk and try:

                        1. Download and open the Fitpolo APK in Winrar to get the "0007_0001_0015_DFU.zip" firmware (or download the above linked file).
                        2. Download/Install "nRF Connect for Mobile" from Google play store.
                        3. Plug the ANZ support band into the charger straight from the box.
                        4. With the support band charging (red light showing), open "nRF Connect for Mobile" and press the connect button next to "H707 (Nordic)".
                        5. On the top bar next to "DISCONNECT", press the small "DFU" logo.
                        6. Select "Distribution packet (ZIP).
                        7. Select "0007_0001_0015_DFU.zip".
                        8. Should see a cool graph showing the transfer rate in the app and "updating" on the support band.
                        9. Done! If the flash is successful, it should just boot up with all functions working. Install and open the "Fitpolo" app and it should connect as a retail "Fitpolo H707"

                        Alternatively, could also try updating "Application only' in mingyu01's guide as a potential safer method (no idea if this will work tho, I'm out of bands to test with).

                        • @robob: thanks for this,
                          will try later today..

                        • @robob: Hi Robob, i'm kinda lost in the first step now, so I've downloaded the apk but can't figure out how to get the "007….zip"?

    • works for me

  • just got mine today, will try that. if it bricked it's another e waster. LOL

  • @robob it works and now i have a free fitness tracker although I am using an apple watch.

  • +1

    Mine came yesterday, tried both methods last night and ended up with 2 bricks. Promised to my son that he would get a activated bracelet and I only have beicked ones….
    Is there anyone who would donate one for my son please??

    • +2

      I could send you another bricked one, maybe he can make a necklace out of them?

      • I will ask him if he wants to play bricklayers

        • +1

          Hopefully, we need more tradies at the moment.

  • +1

    Folks, don't throw the band away after the Olympics are over!

    I received the band a few days ago and was initially a bit disappointed to find that it could only tell the time and send support. Since most people use their phones to check the time, I figured these would get chucked or never used again after the games were over. So the whole idea seemed pretty wasteful (a sentiment that seems to be echoed in this thread and elsewhere).

    However, upon further investigation it seems that the band's features are meant to be disabled for the duration of the games. This is by design and once the games have ended, the app will send out an update/instructions to turn the band into a regular fitness tracker - presumably with the same features as the Fitpolo H707 (which is really what this thing is):


    Here is a comment from the ANZ campaign leader:

    "The band is designed to get turned into a fitness tracker post the games, so people can continue to use the band and benefit from it. It’s all free of charge. Instructions are included in the pack.

    Kiwis can also return the band so we can provide the fitness tracker to those who need it most.

    Hope this helps."

    Source: https://campaignbrief.co.nz/2021/07/01/anz-helps-athletes-fe… (scroll down to the 8th comment)

    Dear God/Gods and/or anyone else who can help me (e.g. members of super-intelligent alien civilizations): The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of Finn McMillan formerly of South New Brighton at 8 years old and keep it that way forever. I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body! Thank you! - Chaul Jhin Kim (a.k.a. A Desperate Soul)

    Here is a statement from a recent press release:

    "The wearable tech is free to thousands of Kiwis and will allow everyone who gets their hands on one to use it as a fitness tracker after the Games. The hope is these bands will ensure the NZ Olympic and Paralympic teams help create a legacy that encourages healthy lifestyles well beyond the Games."

    Source: https://stoppress.co.nz/news/anz-and-tbwanz-rally-kiwi-fans-…

    And here is another comment from the official ANZ Facebook page:

    "Hi Cat, I can certainly appreciate where you are coming from in regards to the potential environmental impact throwing these all ways at the end of the games would have.

    The best part about these is that at the end of the games, the ANZ Support Band has a second life as a fitness tracker. We will be sending a notification via the NZ Team App at the end of the games with instructions on how it will automatically switch it over to become a personal fitness tracker.^Daniel"

    By the end of the games, I'm guessing they mean either August 8 (Olympics) or September 5 (Paralympics).

    Other than the words "fitness tracker" on the back of the band (which can be easily missed), the website, app, and included instructions don't really make this clear so it would have been nice if this was communicated a bit better, since most of the criticism of is about the environmental aspect. It's great to see that this isn't just a single-use product destined for the landfill or bottom drawer once the games are over.

    Overall, I'm pleased with the band and the app and I think this is a really neat idea and a cool way to sponsor the games. Kudos to ANZ.

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