5x Chicken & Chips $11.99, 5x Chicken 5x Wicked Wings $19.99, BBQ Double Down $12.99, Supercharged Zinger Burger $9.99 @ KFC App


The Secret Menu has been refreshed with the following:

Code Price Description
SMGIMME $11.99 5pcs Secret Recipe Chicken and Reg Chips
SMDOUBLE $12.99 1 BBQ Double Down
SMSZINGER $9.99 1 Supercharged Zinger Burger
SMHALF $19.99 5pcs Secret Recipe Chicken and 5 Wicked Wings

Pick-up only.

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  • +1

    Dang no more SMCRISPY? At least the wings are still there

  • How long are they valid for?

  • i dont see any of these deals in my app

    • Even after entering in a code?

      • i cant find where to put the code

        • Open the app then 'Cart' -> 'Have an Online Coupon?'

    • Have you unlocked the secret menu? You have to play the Six and Shout season mode, hit the balls into all the letters that spell out SECRET to unlock the menu. Note you don't need to unlock the menu to use the codes.

      • ok i played the game got bowled out most of the time, i played it twice hit the ball 3 times, i clicked cash out,i dont see any of these unlocked deals

        • You need to hit the individual letters in the word SECRET that appear in the game to unlock it.
          As mentioned though you don’t need to - just use the promo codes to order.

          • @bigcheese: how many times can u play the game, not sure how to hit the letters,i hit the cricket ball and it goes where it goes,i cant move the ball to hit a letter

            • @ggallin: once a day if you cash out, you can direct the ball based on finger movement.
              what type of phone do you have? the game is quite glitchy as it.

            • @ggallin: Don’t bother with the game. The codes are posted by OP. Just enter them in the coupon field, no gameplay required.

  • +1

    If your store doesnt do double downs, they will still take your order and sit there all confused.
    You have to initiate the "wheres my order" for them to say they cant do it.

  • Oh do you have to redeem via app, not at those kiosk?

  • Gimme 5! Or do I need to goto specsavers?

  • +1

    Underwhelming deals and because they're app only you can't combine with the survey code for free chips and drink.

  • When can they make hot and spicy permanently like other countries ?

    • +1

      Just go to quay st if you are in Auckland (or west gate)

      • Lincoln Rd and Manukau too but that was confirmed a few months ago

        • Lynfield too

          • @rkl: Really?!?!?! do they allow hot and spicy with coupons?

            • +1

              @Hungryhippo: Yeap, last couple of times i didnt get hit with any surcharge. But not sure if there is meant to be

      • Can you even change it to hot n spicy if it's an app only order?

        • +1

          Yup, just tried, you can customize gimme5 to hot n spicy if you choose Quay St (with fee ofc)

      • Ya few stores in AKL ONLY that’s the problem

    • +1

      Manurewa and Takanini both have H&S, had it last week.

  • +1

    The Gimme 5 option is delivery only for me?

    • Don't worry. I'm just dumb

    • Happened to me yesterday too.
      Was wondering why my free zinger had a 8 buck fee

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