This was posted 9 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free $20 Arcade Credit Voucher (Redeemable in-Store Only) @ Timezone Fun App


Simply download the Timezone fun app so you can claim the voucher. Details on how to do this are in the link!

On the app, at the Home Screen, open the barcode scanner (next to the bell, top right), then click add promo code manually.

I also believe if you don't have the app you can get the $10 sign up bonus on top of this deal! (Someone correct me if I'm wrong on being able to get both the sign-up bonus and the voucher).

Happy gaming!

Terms and Conditions

$20 Voucher

  1. Guests are required to be registered via the Timezone Fun App and associate their phone number to their account to claim a $20 arcade credit voucher ("Arcade Voucher"). 2. Registration is easy, just download the Timezone Fun App and complete the registration steps.
  2. Arcade Voucher redeemable in-store only at Timezone and Zone Bowling NZ venues. Not redeemable for cash.
  3. Upon redemption, $20 will be loaded onto that guests’ existing Powercard. If a guest does not have a Powercard, a new one will be issued.
  4. Arcade Voucher can be used for any games at Timezone or Zone Bowling venues. Excludes Birthday Parties and Group Bookings.
  5. One Arcade Voucher per registered guest and only valid for use in a single transaction. Any amounts not used in that transaction will be automatically forfeited. Cannot be used for online transactions or used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion (except the Load $40 get $120 Exclusive Bonus Credit offer).

Load $40 get $120 Exclusive Bonus Credit

  1. Load $40 on the Powercard and get $120 of arcade credit ("Exclusive Bonus Credit") only available for guests who claim an Arcade Voucher under the $20 Arcade Credit offer and not available with any other offer or promotion.
  2. Exclusive Bonus Credit can only be purchased and loaded at Timezone and Zone Bowling NZ venues and at the time of redemption of an Arcade Voucher.
  3. Exclusive Bonus Credit must be loaded in a single transaction and on a single Powercard.
  4. Arcade credit loaded is valid for 12 months from the last in-venue use.
  5. Arcade Voucher expires on 31 May 2024.

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closed Comments

  • It worked. Thanks :)

  • Is it for new registration only? Can't find anywhere to load the code.

    • +3

      On the app, at the Home Screen, push the scan looking button top right (next to the bell), then click add promo code manually.

      • +1

        Thanks! I would never know it's under scan!

  • I also believe if you don't have the app you can get the $10 sign up bonus ontop of this deal! (Someone correct me if I'm wrong on being able to get both the sign up bonus and the voucher)

    can someone clarify this? i dont have the app yet

    • It won't let me add a number (signed up with email) without adding a powercard.

      • Signed up with number and it won't let me add email without powercard so either way looks like needs a powercard.

      • lol even with a powercard, when trying to add a phone number (and using the verification code) I am repeatedly getting an "opps something went wrong" :facepalm

  • I don't have a power card but I was able to add this promo. But can't claim the new user promo without that powercard. Hopefully i can claim it after Ive had a chance to go get one.

  • is there expiry date on the promo $20 credit?

    • End of May

  • +2

    For those that are with AA - don't forget to claim your free 20 min of gaming too (membership benefit) - win win

  • Thanks!

  • Has anyone got any luck with the second part of the deal (Load $40 get $120)? I don't see it on the Powercard Reload page?

    • Exclusive Bonus Credit can only be purchased and loaded at Timezone and Zone Bowling NZ venues and at the time of redemption of an Arcade Voucher.

      • Ah thanks.

    • +1

      Yes, when you go into a Tinezone you can use thr same voucher number to load $40 and get $120, just ask the staff. Its a choice between that or just getting $20 free. You can't do both on the same account.

      Personally I think the $120 for $40 is the better offer. As it's like getting the free $20 as well as 2.5x bonus which is better than their normal best of double dollars.

      • Weird - the T&Cs in my mind read that you do both. Will see what happens when I make it into a store in the next few days.

        • @thats mum life

          Youre right it does read like that in the T&Cs. Thats what happened when I asked a employee.

          • +1

            @Dazza: Got this clarified when I went in today. The manager explained it was written by the legal team who just made it confusing 😂 you’re getting the $20 voucher and then a double dollar buy of $60 for $120 credit. So therefore you pay $40 ($60 less the $20) for the $120. Still a good deal!

  • +1

    Anyone else getting "App not available in your country" on Google Play?

    • Your google account is probably set to another country. There are good reasons to do this as freebies and discounts can only apply to some regions or you need the apps that are only available on a specific country's playstore.

      This is how to change it, but be aware you can only do it once a year.

      Ive just set up other google accounts setup for different countries myself. So i can get access on all of them from my phone.

      • Cheers for this, but my account is set to NZ, so I'm not sure what the story is.

        EDIT: There is something funky going on though; my country is set to NZ in the account and payment profile, but prices in the play store are listed in Turkish Lira. Hmmmm.

        • Youve got Youtube premium via a Turkish VPN hack by any chance?

          • +1

            @Dazza: I sure do, which definitely has something to do with it, but via another account which shares with this account.

  • Anyone know can I create a separate account for my 5 years old to take advantage of this promo?

    • Look like you cannot, minimum age to register an account is 13

  • how do you get a powercard?

    • You go in store and ask for one :) then you can add your card to the app

      • thank you, never had one before

  • Promo code worked for me manually adding it in. I already had the app installed and power card added.

    • Does your $10 welcome credit still stay on after the $20 got added?

  • Can these credit use at bowling?

    • +1

      Im assuming so, it gets loaded onto the card then the card gets scanned at the bowling bit :) the bowling and gaming uses the same card credit , same goes for lazer tag and mini golf

  • +1

    I added the code successfully a few days ago but today when I opened the app it says I have redeemed my code already??? Anyone had the same problem?

    • Same here 😔

      • Same here, can someone please confirm if it's still valid?

        • It's a bug with the app. Went in-store and they loaded it no problem

  • How long does the $40 for $120 (so total $160 I assume) credit last for? Surely that part isn't until end of May 2024?

    • +1

      Got this clarified when I went in today. The manager explained it was written by the legal team who just made it confusing 😂 you’re getting the $20 voucher and then a double dollar buy of $60 for $120 credit. So therefore you pay $40 ($60 less the $20) for the $120.

      Once you have the $120 credit it’s normal terms to use it, ie expires one year after it was last used. But use it some of it once a year and it wasn’t expire.

  • Hmm I don't think the legal team made it confusing at all, I'd say the legal team royally mucked it up actually. It says it can be used with the second offer, and therefore is not a part off that first offer..therefore it should be not combined and it should clearly state it comes off the deal if so. Feel I was falsely upsold myself.😆

  • Anyone successful claim the $10 and how?

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Used my $20 credit on Saturday. 30 minutes later, enough points to claim one piece of confectionery as a prize 😄

  • Went down again on claimed the $10 as well, tap below the barcode and it shows as unclaimed and staff just scan it.

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