10% off Sitewide or Free Shipping Coupon @ Keter NZ

10% off Sitewide or Free Shipping Coupon @ Keter NZ

I just bought things from Keter website and it gave me this 10% off link to share to friends and families. I think it has no maximum limit of amount of discount. There is also free ship code. Both code cannot be combined in same order. I don't get anything back if you use that. So this is not for my advantage, I share this because I think it will be useful for others and no keter website discount in cheapies yet.

When you checked out your cart, the code shown is LXZ-0TLCKIN. You can also manually input this code. I think this is universal code, because I tried making second account and it gave exactly same 10% off code to my 2nd account.

It doesn't mention about expiry date, so I am not too sure about it.