Returning to New Zealand from Europe - Anything to Bring?

I am heading back to New Zealand after my OE in Europe shortly and work has provided me with a shipping container that I can take things back to New Zealand in.

I will be returning to an empty house so need to fill it! Does anyone have any tips on what household items I should look to purchase in Europe to bring back to New Zealand? Is there any particular category of goods that are relatively cheaper in Europe than in NZ that would be worth bringing back? From my experience, the cost of household goods, electronics and clothing etc is more expensive in Europe than in New Zealand - so I don't think there will be much - but I would appreciate anyone's insights. Thanks!


  • +2

    Maybe you want a real italian espresso machine and grinder? The showrooms here have very big margins on them. I like the prices on offer at and although they appear to ship to NZ you might be able to find similar prices over there and just chuck it in the container.

    For both furniture and clothing you have more limited options and generally limited quality here, so if you have acquired some taste for quality brands of those then you might find something to bring back.

  • +1

    The price and variety of all types of bags and leather goods is quite bad in New Zealand. If you see something in Italy, France, or England that you like then that would be the time to get it.

  • +6

    Fill the container with IKEA goods and get a head start selling them on TradeMe to desperate Kiwis before IKEA finally open their doors here.

    It's the Cheapies way.

    • +4

      {Nods slowly, and very deliberately}

      This Is The Way

  • +1

    I did exactly this in 2016 after 4 years in uk…just bought a LCL rather than full container.
    Just about everything was cheaper to buy …just scale of market and multiple competitors.
    Good time to shop at sale period and also counter seasonal also Amazon sales
    On top of all my household contents specific things I bought were.
    Lecrueset and Staub cookware….lifetime assets….way cheaper than nz
    Leather work shoes…top brands made in uk
    Coffee machines as mentioned even Nespresso pods were 1/2 price compared nz
    Hayfever tablets…you can buy a few hundred for a couple of pounds…just generic ones..same ingredients…expensive in nz…I get hayfever obviously lol
    Weber bbq
    Not sure where you are in Europe but uk appliances work in nz…just need a uk to nz plug….im still running appliances from uk
    Work clothes like business shirts etc.

    Mate its limitless….just make a big list of all the things you really want, spend half an hour checking rrp in nz and shop your little heart out.

    Don’t buy crap…but there is always a buyer in nz for quality brands and goods if you want the hassles of selling some stuff on your return ie lecrueset
    Good luck and welcome home

    • +2

      Fyi: hayfever tablets or paracetamols, you can ask your GP next time you visit and they can prescribe it for free. I have been getting it that way for awhile. Unless you need too many. Chemist warehouse has quite cheap if you go for generic brands.

  • +1

    Having shipped a container from Australia to NZ, you should make yourself very familiar with import restrictions and duties. If it looks to customs like you've imported a container load of brand new boxed IKEA furniture (whose stupid idea was that…?) but your import manifest lists it as "personal effects" or "used goods", they will sting you for applicable duties.

    Also note that some items from some countries (eg. used machinery, vehicles) may need additional work such as certified cleaning (eg. to prevent the spread of brown marmorated stink bugs) or other documentation/certification. Assuming you are using a good broker, they should be able to advise on all this. I'm several years behind on all that now but it can mean a lot of extra work or cost of you aren't careful.

    Also: if you don't already have a full container of household effects, I think you'll find it hard to fill a 20' container with random niknacks. They hold a lot more than you might think (if they're well packed)! Maybe IKEA isn't such a bad idea? 🤔

  • Thank you all for your comments, much appreciated!

  • Woom 2 or woom 3 kids bikes

  • Europe has great value electric toothbrushes and ebook readers from competitors and even some private label versions. In NZ you can only get the usual Oral-B, Philips Sonicare and Kindle and Kobo for ebook readers. Also Pyrex glassware made in France is much better quality than the made in China stuff you get here.

  • On the extreme end of the scale, bring in an english camper or caravan to sell? Plenty of companies make a business out of it, plus you can still put your personal stuff inside it.

  • Do you get to keep the container?

    • Do you get to keep the container?

      If you choose to buy it, rather than renting it I guess.

      Keep it longer than you have paid for, and I'd imagine you might get charged demurrage.

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