SCA Alkaline Batteries - AA or AAA 18 Pack - 2 for $12 + Shipping ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ Supercheap Auto


Was looking for some cheap AAA batteries to use in my new brother label maker and came across this deal.
Never used this brand before but the reviews appear ok.
Works out to be ~33 cents per battery.

Direct link to AAA
Direct link to AA

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  • If you're getting into your label maker there may be a jack for an AC supply. I bought one in the past and it was worth the small expense.

    • +3

      Just be careful and buy the right one since the polarity on the pins are reversed for some reason.

      • Or swap the polarity on a common 12v

      • I tried to use my docking station plug for the label maker, it fit, but there was no power. This must be why, maybe Brother reversed the polarity trying to get people to buy the official one only

        • Aliexpress have them for quite cheap ;)

          • @fairgod: Will take a look, thanks. I normally have a rule to get nothing electric from ali/Temu but a plug is probably okay

        • +1

          Here is the power adapter from Ali

  • Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks 😊

  • thanks, OP. order placed

  • +9

    Trade depot has AAA / AA batteries a bit cheaper.
    They do free deliveries for orders above just $30 so may be a better deal.
    These lower cost Alkaline seems to be similar quality with others.
    Just make sure to stay away from Zinc batteries.

    POWER FLASH AAA Ultra Alkaline Batteries - 20 Pack…
    $5.5 SKU: 650121

    POWER FLASH AA Ultra Alkaline Batteries - 20 Pack…
    $6.5 SKU: 650120

    • Thanks. I may have to check them out. I see that they have 9V batteries for a good price too (2 for $3.50).

    • Quickly watched a couple of video reviews, Power Flash seems to be a decent enough brand, better than other budget battery brands

    • Cheers for that, bought the Trade Depot ones as my local SCA doesn't have both types in stock.

  • +3

    I wonder how long these SCA ones last… we normally get Panasonic ones from PB Tech, $12 for 24 AAs, or $13.68 for 24 AAAs.……

    Supposedly they are “20% longer lasting”, but it doesn’t say compared to what, maybe they are comparing to other Panasonic ones.

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