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[PC] Free - Hell Let Loose @ Epic Games


Here's the final Mystery Game from Epic as part of their annual giveaway.
Available from 5am 3rd January 2025 until 5am 10th January 2025

Hell Let Loose

Join the ever-expanding experience of Hell Let Loose - an epic World War II, first person shooter, with exhilarating battles of 50v50 players that include infantry, tanks, artillery, and a dynamically shifting front line.

7x Free DLC packs available too here

Credit Taegukgi and Billbil-kun

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Epic Games


  • +4

    Oh lord it's gonna be blueberry madness again.

    Honestly the best most immersive WWII experience I've had in a game. Hiding in a trench while a bombing run gets closer and closer only for everything to go black never gets old.
    Storming the beaches as the allies and just getting shredded trying to push and capture ground really gives you a sense of what our grandfathers and great grandfathers would have gone through.

    If you get the game you'll do yourself and your team a massive favor by watching some tutorials as some servers/people do get very upset with new players and incompetence: how to capture zones; how nodes/resources work; and some basic tactics that explain how extremely important garrisons and supplies are as this is often the winning factor in a match. If you don't have lots of garrisons (which are where you redeploy from), then as soon as they are destroyed you'll have to respawn further away and lose ground.
    Stick to the rifleman classes until you learn those things before trying to play as a sniper/engineer/tank/commander/squadleader.

  • +21
  • Anyone else getting an error that the Summer Warfare Pack is "unavailable"?

    • Yeah you're right its not working. Don't know why.

    • +1

      From when I worked on the game we'd only make the Summer Warfare Pack available during certain times of the year, studio that took over is probably doing the same. It's a free DLC when it is available so don't worry about missing out

      • +1

        Guessing wait 6 month then coz summer in NH

  • +1

    Such a good game.

  • Damn i have actually bought this game a while ago… cos it was so good

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