This was posted 6 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Get $300 Credit with Unlimited Fibre Max Plan on a 12 Month Contract ($105/Month + $14.95 Modem Fee or BYO) @ One NZ


Fiber Max is $105/month
Credit is $300/12 = $25/month

which brings the total to $80 a month with 1 year contract.

Terms & Conditions

  • Offer available to eligible One NZ customers who sign up to selected Unlimited Fibre plans as follows: ​
    • $50 joining credit applies to Unlimited Fibre Starter plans. ​
    • $200 joining credit applies to Unlimited Fibre (300 Mbps) plans. ​
    • $300 joining credit applies to Unlimited Fibre Max plans. ​
  • The joining credit is applied when your broadband becomes active with One NZ and will show on your first bill. It only applies to the standard monthly plan charge. ​
  • This offer requires a 12 month commitment. If you change your broadband plan (including re-signing) or leave One NZ within 12 months of joining, the full amount of the joining credit will be debited back to your account. ​
  • This offer is not available in conjunction with any other offers. ​
  • Offer available for a limited time between 1 August 2024 and 17 September 2024 unless withdrawn earlier.
  • Unlimited broadband is for residential use only. ​
  • $14.95 modem postage and handling charge applies on Fibre plans that include a modem. ​
  • $199 early termination fee applies for 12 month term contracts.Broadband not available everywhere, see what broadband you can get. ​

Related Stores

One (Formerly Vodafone)
One (Formerly Vodafone)

closed Comments

  • It doesn't say it's not in the Ts & Cs but does anyone know if this is new customers only?

    • +1

      they refused the credit because I am existing customer, despite trying to upgrade to the top/max Fibre plan.
      - which has put me off.. time to look at other providers

      • Thanks. That's bizarre, would have thought they'd like to lock anybody in for a set term.

  • This looks decent I'm with Skinny 300/100 and price going up to $85 next month.
    This outfit any good as a fibre provider?
    I know bugger all about setting up a modem would the Skinny modem be ok with a bump in speed to 885k?

    • +1

      No idea about whether it'll handle the bump in speed but I've found the Skinny modems to be fairly poor quality. The two we've had have both failed within 2 years. One stopped working and the other still worked but made loud electricity sounds due to a failing capacitor :(
      However the skinny modem is free whereas most other companies only offer rental!

      • I’ve had a Skinny modem fail also, 11.5 months into the 12 month warranty.

      • You've moved from Skinny to this OneNZ plan? My modem is still going after 18 months just concerned it won't go to the speeds of this plan.

    • What's your Skinny modem (Smart Modem 2, Smart Modem or older)?

      • Just checked the back, its a Smart Modem VRV9527

  • I had a quick Google but couldn't find a definite answer; do they use CGNAT?

    • +1


      • Not the answer I was expecting. Since they have been around for so long.

    • +1

      Yeah it's a pain in the ass….. Big pipe offer 45-dollar one off cost for static IP for life of your connection

      • I was just having a quick look at this, they don't make it easy these days eh? At the moment I'm running DDNS on Skinny which does the job. I'd like to move providers to avail myself of another sign up deal but it seems like adding a static IP could end up costing me more than it's worth.

        • +1

          We're with one and don't have cgnat, have been with them for years. Use a DDNS. Maybe it's possible to apply to be moved off it?

          • @snofil: Interesting! Thanks for letting me know, might need more investigation.

  • Thanks. Just switched from Skinny after they keep upping their prices.

    • same to Spark, the price went up quickly

  • I negotiate every year, get credit always. Good they are giving $300 now.

    • +1

      Yup my dad does the same haha makes it worth it, they never did deals for new customers strangely, until now so imma join them this year and then negotiate next year for some credit! Haha

    • when you do call them? and when do you give 30 days notice, if you were planning to leave? lets say 12 months contract started in 1 november 2023.

      • +1

        I call them like a month beforehand and ask to speak to the retention team and threaten to leave them and get them to give me credit and a free router haha, got a free normal router and another free SuperWifi Router(Got 4 total now). Sometimes can get 20$ extra off a mobile plan but wasn't lucky this time.

    • Is this after the existing contract finishes ?
      I recall first time was $100 referral
      6 month half price is a good deal too

      • After it ends negotiate a new deal

  • +1

    When I check the website, it seems that the BYO modem has no fixed-term. Is there any early termination for BYO modem?

    • It does seem BYO modem has no fixed term, but the '$300 joining credit' has a condition that you must stay with them for 12 months and if you leave early the $300 is debited to your account (you have to pay it back).

  • This is as good as 80$ per month.

  • I am switching tomorrow. This works for me. Thanks for sharing.

  • Damn it, i just talked to one nz retention team 3 days ago and they offered me only $200 to stick with them but im on 320mbps plan, i pay $85 per month after some discounts

  • If you even up for each month, it’s not the cheapest in the market.
    I found Zeronet has a better offer of first 3 months free from the broadband compare website(which isn’t available on Zeronet’s website).

    • For those curious…

      300/100 $89.99/month
      900/450 $99.99/month

      12-month contract.


      Slingshot (unlimited gigantic) $77/month if you have your own modem

      • It seems like that Slingshot deal is long dead, or am I missing something?

        • The post has expired but the deal is still available (just not at the price mentioned in the post - $77 instead of $67.95).

          • @Wakrak: You're right, I just hadn't gone far enough through the process. Cheers Wakrak!

          • @Wakrak: Cheers for that! Switched over from 2deg to this. Almost went with the OP deal, which is still good, but another $3p/m savings is hard to resist!

      • Anyone know if Slingshot uses 2Deg or One/VF backend?

        • 2d.

      • +1

        emm, here is another one, first 6m free with mercury
        Ahh, sorry this has to be switch with power together.

        So looks like Zeronet is an alternative, and then good price for 2d and slingshot without any credit?

    • +3

      I have to share this every time I see Zeronet mentioned as they are absolute snakes. A while back all their customers lost all internet access for around 24 hours and fair enough, issues happen unfortunately. But they ignored all contact from customers and actively deleted comments from all their socials leaving everyone in the dark.

      They offered "compensation" which as far as I can tell most people didn't receive. But you only had a few minutes to see this for yourself, as again the comments were deleted quick smart.

      • +2

        They once put out a survey link that was an editor's link to a google form - you could see the email addresses of everyone else in the google doc who had clicked the link. Didn't inspire major confidence.

      • Yep, echoing distaste with Zeronet, can't wait for my contract to be up.

        They are completely impossible to contact in the case of issues, they only responded to me after I threatened canceling my contract because they were unable to hold up their end of the deal. Ended up talking to a different company's guy calling me off his mobile to fix the issue because they had noone on staff that had the ability to sort out the problem.

  • Can anyone please suggest if their network is stable?

    • My dads been with them.for years, 0 issues, and I'd know if there were any because they ring me when anything happens with their tech hahaha I've been wanting to join them for a while because everyone else i join, seems to have issues every now and then, so I'd recommend them, ask me again in 12 months and then I'll know for sure

      • thanks. tried to call my current ISP and match the deal.
        No single discount or credit!
        I will change to OneNZ

        • 2degrees?

        • +1

          Yup i dont understand companies not wanting to keep customers on board at all in recent years
          I'm with 2Degrees currently and didn't even give them the chance as i caught them slowing my network down… was not impressed, after a few phone calls they tried telling me i needed to upgrademy plan to the 900 speed, after a few more of me telling them thats bs, my internet has worked fine… lost all trust with them

  • I just called Vodafone/One to try upgrade to the Fibre Max Plan with credit.
    They told me I am an existing customer so I am no eligible to change plan with the credit… dumb.
    - has annoyed me, strange business model because now I'm going to change providers

  • +1

    Does anyone know what modem they give out?

  • Any NOW Customers? I am on 6-month 1/2 price plan, and half-way through the contract. What would be the termination fee ($199 or pro-rated)? Thinking of moving to One NZ 300/100 plan.

    • +1

      Early termination charges on a 12 month term is $199 with 10-12 months remaining, $149 with 7-9 months remaining, $99 with 4-6 months remaining, and $49 with 1-3 months remaining.

  • +1

    Current One NZ customer and was given the $300 on live chat "About the $300 account credit, I would just like to tell you that it is available to claim for customers even if they have an existing customer, would you like to claim it?"

    • how did you ask for it?

      • Went on live chat and asked for it

  • So I added it to my cart, and it says that part of the plan is the $300 credit…but it also says no fixed term. It states that the $300 credit is for a 12 month contract, but there's no option to select that. Defaults to no fixed term (I selected using my own modem).

    Anyone else have the same issue?

  • No luck getting the credit on the phone as apparently you have to 'upgrade' your plan to be eligible or be a new customer. I am currently with onenz but not on contract as it was actually cheaper to be off fixed term after our contract ended with them. I said I would call again tomorrow and see if I got a different answer hahah.

    • +1

      downgrade for a day

      • Ha! I would if i was not certain they would muck it up, leave me worse off and paying more/delayed connections etc. I have a storied history with TelstraClear/Vodafone/Onenz and have been with them for way too long for my sins. As other posters have said usually I threaten to leave and speak to the retention team and get 200 -300 dollars credit and 10 dollars or so a month off but they got me this time as i am required to stay with them to 'pay off' the free mesh wifi i got with them :)

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