1 year old birthday venue ideas

Hi All,

Our baby is turning one year old soon. Does anyone have any recommendation for the venue to hold the birthday party?


  • +8

    Home or somewhere relevant to your family circle (beach, park, etc). 1 year is a great milestone but one that largely the adults will relish; so little point in going somewhere you might be charged for the pleasure.

  • we hire the local community hall for a few hours and got someone in to provide soft play furniture.
    agree - largely for the adults at that age.

  • +3

    Where are you based? We just had something at home for our eldest first. She didn't understand or care and it was more for adults to catch-up than for her.

  • +3

    Agree with the other comments. Your child has never had a birthday celebration before so won't be expecting anything. Whatever you do will be amazing for him/her. Keep it simple and fun.

    And besides, if you go all out for the first one you'll be setting an unhealthy precedent for all future birthday parties 😉

  • We had our daughters party at butterfly creek, and can highly reccomened,
    In saying that we only went bigger as we use the 1st birthday as a way to invite a large amount of family,
    great for photos / memories when the kids are older.

    If wasnt for that, when I would just do at home, or a park

  • -1

    Have it anywhere Dad can sneak away and have a beer in peace.

  • +1

    The Playcentre in Sawyers Bay is great, I have no idea where you are though, maybe there is a closer one. Toys, toilets, seats, playground, kitchen, everything you need.

  • Auckland Central Location please

  • Browns bay Auckland council leisure center. The place where they play basket ball etc. I think it cost us $150 for 3 hours if I remember correctly. It was a few years back for me. Let them know it's a birthday party and if the bouncy castle is included for the party. It usually is. They also let you use the other equipment to play. If the other room attached to the basketball is free (no classes) , you will also get the stage and disco lights.
    Loved it and everyone enjoyed the party.

  • Ah sorry. Just read that you wanted it in Auckland central. :)

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