Applying for a Farm Source Card

On the 13th of March I applied for a NZ Farm Source account through their website. It was finally processed and approved on the 8th of April (got hung up on an ID verification issue at their end).

I got an email confirming acceptance with an account number and a blank credit limit.

What is the process from there to get a Farm Source card? When I click on the Card Applications link on the profile page it takes me back to the Account Applications page showing the application status (Approved). Is the card automatically sent out once the account is approved?

Their website and sign up process is quite convoluted and confusing.

Trying to get the 2Degrees mobile deal but they really make you work for it.


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NZ Farm Source
NZ Farm Source


  • Didn't realise anyone can get one of these. You get 21c off at Mobil which is pretty much all I use it for. A decent Bunnings trade price too, although not sure how it compares to the AssetLab Powerpass.

    I got mine so long ago I don't really remember the process, sorry OP.

    • I use mine in Bunnings, found going to the trade counter they know what to do but regular checkout staff don't put it through as a power pass sale. I couldn't get the asset lab card as they demanded a nzbn and rejected the one I gave them.

        • ?

          Am I missing something or is that an oddly pointless website - it just takes the info available on the Companies Office, and regurgitates it?

          Trying to get inbound hits to sell ads I suppose?

          • @Alan6984: The nzbn number for assetlab is there

            • @justaddwater:

              The nzbn number for assetlab is there

              I didn't mean to imply any criticism of you - apologies!

              I was just commenting on the pointlessness of the website itself.

              • @Alan6984: Oh right. Probably click for ads? Was first hit on search engine

        • I tried, bunnings refused use the NZBN, they said I need have my NZBN, not AssetLab Powerpass one.

      • +1

        It’s not a PowerPass, I’ve learnt you have to tell them it’s supercard, one word, and to type it all in and hit enter. For some reason it doesn’t come up in their autocomplete, but it does when they hit search. The discount is pretty decent but totally depends on what it is.

        • Ahhh, wasn't aware of it, I thought just using it like normal credit card and it will apply the trade price Damm it spent quite few hundred dollars already. Would you mind telling me what did you buy and the price using farmcard?

        • When they scan mine ot says power pass on the receipt. I was told by customer services they don't have to do anything but that's definitely not true.

          Best savings I've had so far is on wood, can't remember the exact pricing but it was something like 15-20% cheaper than RRP. My biggest annoyance with it is not knowing what I'll be paying until I'm paying for it.

          • @Everettpsycho: Oh yeah noticed mine does too. I think maybe it’s access to special Farm Source PowerPass pricing. PP pricing is based on scale of purchases if I recall correctly. Large volume of purchases get better prices. I remember my wife getting a PowerPass through her work that gave her their pricing. It’s prob easier to enter a Supercard number than to give every Farm Source account holder a PowerPass card. I would probably prefer the PowerPass so you can see the pricing online, as you say, you don’t see the discount until you are at the checkout.

            There’s good discounts on some plumbing - I got 50% off those metal pipes that screw together. Used them to make a base for a sink. And screws are around 20% off too.

          • @Everettpsycho: I am able to see the discounted pricing on the app. I logged in with a phonecall to Powerpass. I can't remember if this is for Supercard or assetlab, though. I'm pretty sure assetlab and I know it's the one with the higher discount.

    • +3

      Looks like its only 16 cents now days unless you're a Fonterra farmer? Either way a welcome discount.

      If none of the Cheapies whanau can help I'll do the unthinkable and call them next week.

      • 100% call them. First off, you don’t need the card for the 2degres deal, just the account. I think you need to call to get the form anyway. There’s a card section on the form I think, so you should have received a card without a separate application.

  • anyone manage to get discount at supercheapauto with farmsource card?

    i paid with the card but they charged me normal price

    • The discount for petrol shows up on the statement, not on the receipt. What does your statement show?

      • No discount on statement.

        From memory, it works with Bunnings. Works fine with petrol

    • It depends on items, sometimes nil discount. I assume it just same as Bunnings alike

  • Yes I did it a while ago its a horrible process worth it in the end mine took months!

    • Did the initial Account Application result in a card being sorted as well?

  • I applied a couple months ago, haven't heard anything since the initial application received email.

    • You can check the status of your application here:… - mine was stuck on 'ID Verification'. When I called them to ask about that it seemed there was an error whereby the confirmation of ID didn't come through from their 3rd party provider. They were able to sort that manually.

      • thanks for the link! yep can confirm - stuck on ID verification too

      • @kingjj, didn't work for me unfortunately. The lady on the phone told me to go to the nearest farmsource store (none close to me) with proof of ID lol

  • +2

    Righteo so the situation is:
    Applying for an account does not generate a Farm Source Rewards Card, that is a separate application which requires you to repeat a lot of the same information like income/expenses and bank statements.

    You don't require a Farm Source Card to get the 2Degrees Mobile deal, just a Standard Farm Source account with direct debit authority setup (as mentioned by other Cheapies previously). A call to 2Degrees is all that's required (they will verify with Farm Source).

    If you apply for an account and don't hear anything for a while make sure you check the status as a few seem to get stuck on ID Verification. A quick phone call sorted that for me.


    • Can you keep the old 2dgree number for this deal

  • +1

    One last update for those that are interested. After nearly 7 weeks since starting the process to join Farm Source I was finally switched over to the new plan this morning. The application process through 2 Degrees was a lot more drawn out then expected.

    First you call the 2D 0800 number, they then take your details and arrange a callback. Next you speak with a business rep who queries you on your business… Once you get past that and explain it's an individual account through Farm Source they send you an authorisation form to fill in for Farm Source.

    Next you get an email back requesting all your business registration details… After a bit of back and forward it is again agreed it is an individual account. Then you get more paperwork confirming your business details… at this point it's entered as a sole trader with dummy information. Finally you agree to the contract and to transfer your number to your new account.

    Next you wake up and find that you have no data or minutes at all… After a few hours you get issued 2gb/200 minutes and you wait. The next morning your phone number stops working…. And an hour later you're finally on your new plan with your original number and all is well in the universe.

    Honestly if I knew it would be this much work I would have stuck with what I had before. It's a great deal for sure but be aware there's a lot of back and forth required and a lot of sitting around waiting without any feedback.

    To be fair the reps from Farm Source and 2D have been great to talk to, it's just the process that's a pain.

    A small correction on my previous update as well: you can apply for the card at the same time as the Farm Source account, you won't get any confirmation of this though until the card appears a few weeks after your account has been approved.

    Cheers Cheapies

    • Can you switch your old 2dgree no to this new plan?

      • And an hour later you're finally on your new plan with your original number and all is well in the universe.

        As they say in Magic: The Gathering:
        Reading the card explains the card.

  • +2

    Sorry for the necro but just wanted to give a quick boost to this offer from Farm Source and 2degrees, they have recently updated the deal and you now get 150gb a month for $30+gst (up from 100gb).

    After the initial struggle to get setup everything has been flawless. Still the best mobile deal in my mind (especially with the free Aussie roaming, that saved me a ton on my last trip).

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