Do You Get a Full Page Ad on Cheapies?

Hey just wondering do you guys get this full screen ad when viewing Cheapies (also OzBargain) on mobile (ios).
It’s only started happening recently and is kind of annoying as it pops up every time you navigate to one of the main pages.


  • Yes - started this morning for me.
    On iOS and is doing it on both Safari and Chrome that I have tested so far.

  • Yes. Got it from yesterday. Don't mind ads as that will keep the site alive, but once I didn't had the close button visible so had to kill the page on phone. Which is not good.

  • And of course it's a Qantas ad :D

    We've reported the ad to Publift and it should get removed within a few days. If (in the future) you see an ad that takes up too much of your display or anything that breaks your browsing experience (e.g the ad follows you as you scroll around) please screenshot it or copy the ad's link and send it to us so we can report it for removal.

    You can contact us via the contact form or just use the Talk with a Moderator forum.

  • UBlock on PC
    Private DNS with NextDNS or BlahDNS on Android. Or AdAway if rooted
    NextDNS on iOS

    Haven't even seen an ad in years.

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