Trying to get in touch with Dave!

Please help! For the life of me I can't find his contact details!!
We have a deal and I'm trying to get in touch with him!
this is Bridget :)
[email protected] ;)


  • +3

    Hi, I am not Dave. Hope this helps

    • Hello NotDave.

      I'd like to sing you a song now NotDave….

      Daisy, Daisy,
      Give me your answer, do!
      I'm half crazy,….

      NotDave? Are you still there NotDave?

      • "Bridget was having the worst day of her life. She had a big deal in the works with none other than music legend Dave Stewart, but she just couldn't seem to get in touch with him. She had tried every means possible, but nothing seemed to be working.

        Just as she was about to give up hope, she had an idea. She decided to send out a message to the world, calling out Dave's name in the hopes that he would hear her plea.

        Bridget quickly took to social media and began posting updates with the hashtag #FindDaveStewart. It wasn't long before her posts went viral, and she was inundated with responses from Dave fans all over the world.

        In the meantime, Dave was completely unaware of the online frenzy happening in his name. He was busy working on his latest album and didn't have a clue about what was going on.

        It wasn't until his manager alerted him to the news that Dave finally realized what was happening. He was stunned to see just how many people were trying to get in touch with him, all because of Bridget's desperate message.

        Finally, Dave and Bridget connected, and the deal was sealed. Bridget couldn't believe her luck, and Dave couldn't stop laughing at the absurdity of it all.

        In the end, it all turned out to be a great joke, and everyone had a good laugh about it. Bridget went down in history as the woman who managed to get the attention of a music legend with just a few social media posts. And Dave learned a valuable lesson about the power of the internet."

        • Holy moly! I hope you do some professional writing! That was really funny ❤❤ you could probably earn some decent $$!!

    • Thank you Timmy. If you find Dave do let me know.

  • +2

    I almost thought this was a deal for De Walt tools

    • +3

      Thats what brought me here too haha

  • David Stewart: Where is Previously Suspected Hoax Caller Now?

    After the hoax caller ?

  • +2

    Dave's not here.

  • +1
  • He'll understand what I mean. We have a special arrangement. You guys are just jealous 🙄

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