Mckinlays shoes - Value for money?

Is it good value for money? How long do these shoes last if used daily? Also do they do any sales?


  • Absolutely worth every $ - this is my sons second pair for school the last ones lasted a year until he outgrew them. They still have life in them and a 5 year old is rough on shoes which he wore every day for the school year. They have amazing customer service too, some of the elastic separated from the boot and I contacted them, sent them down to Dunedin, they fixed them and sent them back in 3 days. Just brought my daughter a pair for starting school, a different style but again you can tell the quality. Hope it helps!

  • I have the Kimbell Black, which I have been wearing to the office for the past 3 years. They have held up very well, even with my lack of maintenance (I've applied polish once).
    I would consider them "buy for life" level of quality. When the soles eventually wear down, mckinlays offer a resole service.

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