Pizza Battle - Domino's Vs Pizza Hut - Beef and Onion

Domino's Vs Pizza Hut - Beef and Onion

I decided to do this comparison after a small discussion in a previous deal post. The test consisted of comparing price, smell, taste from myself and my wife, and a reheatability test (Reheating the pizza for 1 minute 12 hours after initial purchase).

We start by examining the Domino's pizza:

Price: 9/10 - $3.99 - with coupon.
Smell: 5/10 - Alright, not too appealing.
Taste (Myself): 7/10 - Not greasy, all ingredients were mixed together well and evenly distributed.
Taste (Wife): 5/10 - Too dry, not greasy enough.
Reheatability: 6/10 - Retained flavor and crunchiness through the night.
Total Score: 32/50

Followed by the Pizza Hut pizza:

Price: 7/10 - $5.00 - no coupon.
Smell: 7/10 - Quite a nice fragrance, tomatoey.
Taste (Myself): 6/10 - Tasted quite greasy, as can be seen in the image, but not too bad, ingredients evenly distributed.
Taste (Wife): 7/10 - The greasiness was increased the flavour.
Reheatability: 5/10 - Overpowered by melted cheese flavor, crust went soft.
Total Score: 32/50

To conclude, this highly scientific test ended in a draw, with each product having it's pros and cons, but neither standing out from of the other. Don't forget to view the latest Domino's and Pizza Hut deals.

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  • Are the sizes the same? Pizza Hut looks marginally smaller?

    • +1

      They are actually the exact same size, I placed one ontop of the other, and there was no overlap, it's just the slight angle of the image that makes it appear that way.

  • +1

    You know what a draw means, right?
    I hope your going back this weekend and doing another flavour.

    • Might need to hire a third party (family member)to conduct the next test!

      Or, maybe we could make a list of all the overlapping flavours, and a member of the community can choose one to test at their next pizza night, and then tally the results.

  • +3

    This is a fantastic summation Shaw. Thanks so much for taking the time to put it together :)

  • I'm a big fan of Domino's value Pepperoni with BBQ sauce for $3.99/4.99, the Hawaiian they do has a huge amount of topping despite the low cost.

    • +1

      Would you be keen to do a Pizza Battle Domino's vs Pizza Hut - Hawaiian ?

  • Often thought of getting around to measuring the area of the different pan choices then dividing through the $ cost. To work out which size gives the best value for $$. Though I guess it might be more accurate to weigh the different sizes of a particular menu choice, then divide through the cost.

    • +1

      You could do diameter * weight / cost, to incorporate all those factors.

  • Good comparison, but comparison can't be made on pizza at home - Pizza is best consumed straight out of the oven instore. (Although most stores have little seating space these days)

    • Yea agree, especially with little kids or siblings, heaps of fun.

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